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Szanto Balazs


Taylor & Francis

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887,25 PLN
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Opis produktu

This book takes a critical and comprehensive look at the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands dispute between the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and Japan.This book examines the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands dispute from a foreign policy perspective focusing on three key stakeholders: China Japan and the United States.The Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands dispute is a prominent territorial dispute between China and Japan. This book critically assesses that dispute in a pragmatic policyoriented manner. The central question of the work focuses on the various military (direct invasion coercion) and nonmilitary (bilateral negotiations binding and nonbinding thirdparty options and delaying) foreign policy avenues available to China to pursue its key interests over the disputed islands. To compare and contrast these different options the book employs a qualitative rationalchoice framework. This allows for a critical analysis on the merits and demerits of various options and to anticipate Chinas potential course of action based on the principle that China is expected to act in a rational manner. This research offers two main contributions. First it adopts a securityfocused approach to complement the economicfocused works on the subject. Second it critically examines the various foreign policy options as opposed to offering an avenue based on purely theoretical assumptions. While the work concludes that a delaying/status quo approach is rational for all parties involved it highlights alternative policy avenues that can build on the conclusion of the rationalchoice analysis. Through this it seeks to address the possibility of escalation and deescalation on the East China Sea and highlights the critical role proactive foreign policy making plays in averting a negative outcome of the dispute.This book will be of much interest to students of Chinese Foreign Policy Asian Politics Security Studies and International Relations.1. Introduction 2. The Core of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands Dispute 3. Dispute Resolution Options 4. Rational Choice 5. Managing the Dispute 6. Escalation and DeEscalation on the East China SeaOverall the book does well to addresses the possibilities of escalation and deescalation on the East China Sea as per the various foreign policy options (military and nonmilitary). It is a very timely book to understand the evolving geopolitics where China is carving out new territories through means of coercion direct invasion and economic investments in the form of Belt and Road initiative (BRI). This book is an excellent read and useful for researchers strategic experts and policy makers.
Data Publikacji: 2017-12-04
Wymiary: 234 mm 156 mm 380 gr

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